3 Fun Python Projects for Beginners


Python is one of the most popular coding languages, thanks to its versatility and ease of use. From data mining to web development to web scraping, it can be applied to a wide range of fields. This makes it a great language for programmers to use.

Also, learning Python doesn’t have to be a boring experience, because there are fun projects that can be just as useful in learning fundamentals.

Python Projects for Beginners

There are so many reasons to learn Python, but selecting the right Python projects for beginners can be tough. Different projects require different skillsets and knowledge to get started.

This article will attempt to dissect the 3 best Python projects for beginners. However, let’s first take a look at two key points that you should keep in mind while choosing a Python project.

  • Choose a Topic that Interests You

The first step to picking a Python project for beginners is to figure out what you want. After all, you’re going to spend quite a bit of time working on it, which might get frustrating if you aren’t enjoying the topic. It’s best that you choose a topic that interests you.

  • Think Small to Make Big Gains

If you are a Python beginner, don’t choose a large project when you start out. Instead, think small and try to build something that just works. You don’t need to implement an algorithm or solve world hunger when you’re starting out. The idea is to build logic using basic Python tools and if it doesn’t work, fix it.

With that said, let’s head to our list of the 3 best Python projects for beginners.

Python Project 1 – Rock Paper Scissors

There are many applications for Python, but if you’re a beginner, this project will teach you to make a Rock Paper Scissors game. This is a fun way to learn to set up a basic Python environment and use the functions in the random module.

The functions enable you to generate a random number from 1 to 6 that can be used as an integer. Then you can use the strings module to create the choices of RPS.

Sample Source Code:

import random

choices = ["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"]

computer = random.choice(choices)

player = False

cpu_score = 0

player_score = 0

while True:

player = input("Rock, Paper or  Scissors?").capitalize()

## Conditions of Rock,Paper and Scissors

if player == computer:


elif player == "Rock":

     if computer == "Paper":

         print("You lose!", computer, "covers", player)



         print("You win!", player, "smashes", computer)


elif player == "Paper":

     if computer == "Scissors":

         print("You lose!", computer, "cut", player)



         print("You win!", player, "covers", computer)


   elif player == "Scissors":

     if computer == "Rock":

         print("You lose...", computer, "smashes", player)



         print("You win!", player, "cut", computer)


elif player=='End':

     print("Final Scores:")




Sample GitHub Projects:

Python Project 2 – Guess the Number

You’re bored, you’re at work, and there’s this cute wee game called Guess the Number that you played most often. The computer takes a number between 1 and 100 and we have to guess the number. The instructions are simple; for each new game, type a number between 1 and 100, then guess the number.

If the guess is too high or too low, we get a point. We check out our scores on the leaderboard to see who’s the best number guessing player of all time!

Sample Source Code:

import random

n = random.randint(1, 100)

count = 1

guess_chances = 10


while 1 <= guess_chances:

num = int(eval(input("Guess the Number: ")))

if num > n:

     print("Your guess was too high: Guess a number lower than", num)

elif num < n:

     print("Your guess was too low: Guess a number higher than", num)


     print("You Win!")

     print(count, "guesses you took")


guess_chances -= 1

print(guess_chances, "Guesses Left")

count += 1



print("Game over")

print("Number is ", n)

Sample GitHub Projects:

Python Project 3 – Calculator

If you are looking for Python projects for beginners, then here’s a simple one to test your skills. It’s a calculator! Either it may be basic math operations – addition/subtraction and division/multiplication – or manipulating even exponential values. This application helps you calculate every single figure you need.

The calculator program is an educational (kind of) math game for kids. It can be played on any platform and you can play with the computer or with a child. Kids can either use the mouse or a keyboard to help solve math problems. The game is fun and teaches basic math concepts.

Sample Source Code:

# This function performs addition

def add(a, b):

   return a + b

# This function performs subtraction

def subtract(a, b):

   return a - b

# This function performs multiplication

def multiply(a, b):

   return a * b

# This function performs division

def divide(a, b):

  return a / b

print("Select an operation.")





# User input

choice = input("Enter operator to use:")

A = int(input("Enter first number: "))

B = int(input("Enter second number: "))

if choice == '+':

   print(A,"+",B,"=", add(A,B))

elif choice == '-':

   print(A,"-",B,"=", subtract(A,B))

elif choice == '*':

   print(A,"*",B,"=", multiply(A,B))

elif choice == '/':

   print(A,"/",B,"=", divide(A,B))


 print("Invalid input")

Sample GitHub Projects:


Learning Python is a rewarding experience, even if you’re just a beginner. It is among the most powerful programming languages to learn and earn in 2021 and beyond. Moreover, you’ll be amazed at how many things you can do with it.

You may be using the language already, or start after reading this tutorial. In any case, learning Python is lucrative. Being immensely popular, Python also flaunts wide-ranging learning material, which means that you can always be learning something new and interesting with it.

Even better, Python is a simple language to learn (thanks to its pseudo-English syntax), so you can get started with it as soon as you want. In short, Python is the best language to start if you want to know how computers work and understand the basics of the web. If you’re an aspiring programmer, this language is definitely something you should learn.

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