The best way to get started with any programming language is to build practice projects. There are several languages in the market for which companies hire professionals and provide them with a decent payroll. One such language is C++.
It is one of the popular languages that have a high demand in the IT industry. If you aspire to learn C++, there are several sources that you can refer to, this includes online courses, C++ books, and tutorials, but that would not help you in getting practical knowledge.
You need to have some decent projects to help you grasp the concepts of C++. In this blog, we aim to discuss some project ideas that you could refer to while developing a working proficiency in the C++ programming language.
C++ Project Ideas
1. Employee Management System
One of the simpler C++ projects for newcomers is this one. It not only aids in managing your business’s daily operations, but it also helps you retain an organized record of all your personnel information.
The C++ libraries’ blocks will be a fantastic resource for creating such a management system. Other open-source libraries can be added by developers to improve the system’s features and functionalities. Both a mobile application and a web portal can be created using C++.
2. Bookshop Inventory System
This is a straightforward project where the system manages the book inventory at a bookstore. A book’s count will reduce if a consumer buys it; it will increase if more books are added.
Take note of the pointers. You can change the code to include a book ID and base the search on the book ID, search with just one input and get many results, etc.
3. Payroll Management System
The cpp project for the payroll management system is a console program that does not employ visuals. The project might include various classes and subclasses, each with a variety of characteristics.
The basic file handling tasks that users can carry out with this program project include adding new employee records, editing employee records, deleting records, and displaying one or all of the records of employees. In addition to this, payroll management gives users the option to print a specific employee’s pay stub.
4. Calculator
A calculator is among the simplest C++ projects to start with. Since most of this project is GUI-driven, it is simple to implement. It will be a menu-driven application, and the user will supply the outputs.
Some of the fundamental ideas of C plus plus are reinforced, particularly those relating to data types and decision-making expressions.
5. Stopwatch
Working on GUI-based programs that don’t have a lot of functionality at first is one of the simplest methods to get started with C++.
To illustrate this point, a timer or stopwatch has been included on the list. With the graphics library that comes with cpp, it’s simple to construct and aids with reviewing the fundamentals.
For time manipulation, one can either design their own class or stick with the default classes provided by the popular object-oriented programming language.
6. Sudoku
One of the most played games is Sudoku, which can be found on every phone and laptop and is especially popular with those who want to solve mathematical puzzles.
In this game, the idea of backtracking is used. This project’s sole objective is to teach you how to utilize backtracking to locate rows and columns that were initially empty.
7. Hotel Booking System
An easy-to-use system with a centralized database programming process is the hotel booking system.
The hotel management project in C++ carries out several tasks, including checking assigned rooms, reserving a room, updating customer information, and confirming client information. You will learn two crucial concepts – file management and classes – of cpp through this project.
8. Telephone Directory System
A relatively basic C plus plus project geared toward novices is the telephone directory. The project is made up of very basic file handling tasks, such as adding, removing, searching, listing, and changing records either to or from files.
The use of graphics throughout has improved this straightforward C++ telephone directory system project. The primary functions of telephone directory system features include adding, listing, searching, editing, and removing records that are relevant to telephone directories.
All of these processes are accomplished through the use of files, meaning that all newly added or modified data is stored in a file, and all deleted data is eliminated from the program file.
9. Sales Management
The most promising C++ project may be the sales management system due to how well it lends itself to learning new skills. It is made up of a variety of classes and subclasses, which include additional features and functions pertaining to item entering, item recording, billing, and so on.
The major goal of this project is to create a system that will allow us to handle customer information, delivery information, stock information, and other data. You will learn and put several properties and functions to practice with working on this C++ project.
10. Face Detection
This is a well-known name among C++ projects that uses cpp code to identify faces in live feeds or previously recorded films that are kept locally. Such features are used by programs like the OpenCV library and XML to find faces in a live broadcast.
The automotive security industry, retail industry, educational industry, healthcare industry, and numerous governmental areas are among the market segments in which face detection technology is used.
In this blog, you learned about some of the basic C++ projects that would help boost your skillset. Now you can start building these projects and add these to your resume to make it more appealing to potential employers.

Hi! I am Shekhar, a professional web & mobile app developer with expertise in MEAN Stack, Next.js, React.js, and React Native. Being interested in working with different IT technologies, I always look forward to learning something new and challenging. Along with JavaScript, I also know several other programming languages, including Python and TypeScript.